lördag 30 oktober 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Aight, so yesterday, I saw Scott Pikgrim VS The World, AWESOME movie
 I give it 4½ dreads out of 5!
It was intense like all the time, keept going, and there were no brakes, just full gas, hillarious...

Now, back to the School of Rock with Mr Jack Black!
It's Hoilliday
Wont be blogging that much ... Sorry to my 3 readers, Julie, my Cat and Felix...

tisdag 26 oktober 2010

The D.

The D, are the greatest band. Ever.

Start here.

The Glory of The D Starts around 2:00

måndag 25 oktober 2010

I'm watching the radio but it's a television looking at me....

... Was the first english quote I saw on facebook just now, written by my best friend Connor, he is awesome

Today, I was in stockholm, painting some warhammer and hanging with my "lil Brother", I still havent got the pack i ordered a week ago, RAGE...

Here is a pic of my brother

He isn't realy my brother, but people thinks that, becouse, we look sorta alike....

Here is a pic of my friend that I nijaed this morning :3
(sorry Lydia, if your reading this ;) )

Thats it for me, peace!

söndag 24 oktober 2010

Geek-a-tronic Super-sonic

My blue jeans is tight,
So on to my love rocket climb....


Had a nice weekend, was chilling with my bruddah, one of my oldest friends and his AWESOME super computore ... It's huge, and he got two screens to it aswell ._.

Yeah, we geeked, watching movies, playing games and having suuuuuper nice time :D

Picture from friday, taken by Felix Svensson

(intro)Lyrics from Electronic Supersonic 

fredag 22 oktober 2010


It was snowing!

Le GASP! Its OCTOBER! Boy, was I suprised.... Anyway, here are some iPhone pics from the day, have a great weekend see ya!


torsdag 21 oktober 2010

tisdag 19 oktober 2010

Im to lazy to update today....

Pics from yesterday

Un-edited are they aswell, bah, im so lazy!

Until I have coded this blogg abit better, click for larger.

måndag 18 oktober 2010

Stockholm 10-20

The Handsome Enemy Gains Awesome Mass Effects.

Click for Larger size.
All sites are around Sergels Torg In Stockholm... as you will see below ...
I OWN all of these pictures, ask before reusing them
(I forgot to put the C mark on them... and im to lazy to re-do it...)

Also, I ordered these today

söndag 17 oktober 2010

Birch Street

I know alot of people, some of them play music, some of them are awesome, and getting quite famous like my pals in You Ate My Dog, then I have my friends in Three Green Trees, there recordings on there myspace ... they aren't perfect, but when you see them live, they are amazing, so, do me a favour and check them out 

Oh Yeah.... I own the copyright for all the pcitures posted so far (apart from the Chuck one)... just throwing that out there...

lördag 16 oktober 2010

Another Late Night

This evening

I saw the most perfect ass ever.

No offence to my feamale readers I do not look a t women as objects, but it was volleyboll tornament, and I was a judge... and ... Yeah, tight clothed girls... And then I saw her, it was so perfect...

And... yeah

The rest of the tournament was fun to, it was kinda scary to judge, I mean, people get angry when they lose ... but it was fun, now, im going to look at some youtube videos and then go to bed!


Good Morning!

Good Morning readers!

I have a reader from South Korea btw... thats odd...

I got a present from my uncel today, my birthday was September 13th, but yeah... I got it today.

Im gona open it now

It was ....

Now, food, I was thinking Egg and Bacon!


fredag 15 oktober 2010

You Ate My Dog

You Ate My Dog have to be my favorite band, I love 'em, and they are realising a cd in a month or so! Epic! I recomend them! I have loads of pictures on them, from the same concert, one I have shown before, but it is cool, ill show it again!

And it's Kerk! Yaaay! He is cool!

So yeah, pumpt bout that, but now, she is 01.23, so im off to bed


Fu-cake ._.

Right, im in a bad mood, im tierd, and suddenly wow starts messing up, and I was looking forward to chilling out just walking around looking att he nice grafics... and now I don't have any prepaid time? Bullcraps!

And the day was quite boring ... and yeah, did I say I was tierd?

I realy dislike doing these blogposts, I don't like telling people how sucky my day was, I feel like all the other non-cool blogers whom only complain, and alot less like cool blogers whom got me into this ... but yeah

Fuck it.

Fu-cake ._.

Right, im in a bad mood, im tierd, and suddenly wow starts messing up, and I was looking forward to chilling out just walking around looking att he nice grafics... and now I don't have any prepaid time? Bullcraps!

And the day was quite boring ... and yeah, did I say I was tierd?

I realy dislike doing these blogposts, I don't like telling people how sucky my day was, I feel like all the other non-cool blogers whom only complain, and alot less like cool blogers whom got me into this ... but yeah

Fuck it.
Im sittinh here with one of our substituteteacher, she is random... Talking bout food...

torsdag 14 oktober 2010


Im eating pineapple on can.

It is tasty.

.... my brother is watching TV, kids stuff... he is cute...

this is my cat, when I took a picture of her, five minutes ago.

she didn't want me to


History pistory cheestory


Im bored.

Im doing something about the globlization (from europe) and rasism stuffs, im just gona bullshit my way through this, and ctrl+c a few words to say at the end, now my dear readers, or ... reader ... I don't know...

Hey! YoU! If you are reading this! Leave a comment and tell me that you are reading about this!

Im facbooking with a cute person whom works at a McDonalds where I use to go, alot... Don't ask me why, ill tell you anyvay...
It is 15meters from the Games Workshop store. Dont know what it is? Google, darling, google.

So yeah. She ofcourse owns a blog, it's in swedish, so if you cant read it, dont click it (there are pretty pictures)

My friend wanted to link his picture blog. Click here to see it.

Back to history fooks!

49more minutes... 49....


onsdag 13 oktober 2010

Good Morning!

Good morning, or evening or afternoon, or whever you read this

Konichiwa even!

So yeah... gona get something to eat now (cereal yum yum) ...
Have a nice day \(^.^)/

As I sit here, smashing my head against the laptop

My Laptop froze, all the interface froze... now I know all you Mac Fans will say "ITS CUZ U ON WINDUWZ NUB" Well, I dunno, it froze, It was scary, and I thought I would have to download the wow patch again, so i turned my hopes to the TV and watched Family Guy, it was fun, it was the Mulit-universe episode...
And at the comercial break

This show came up

Now, Ill go watch an episode of Stargate Universe while waiting for the patch to download. hurr hurr, how geeky of me!


Argh! I have to reinstall the patch? WTF?!

While waiting, Ill send you a link to my third reader

Her blog, is fluffy... and pink.... If you like Japanese, and pink.. check it out. 

Oh yeah, and there is my class mate Felix he writes in swedish, but boy dose he write good...
Now I will go back to waiting for this god-damned wow patch to download :(
Here is a picture I took last year, around this time

And my friend Kerk from You Ate My Dog, they are awesome
I edited both pictures... So yeah 12% in 20min or so...


My Mind takes the Picture

right, I want to do so much, or well.

I want to take pictures, I have BILLIONS of ideas! I mean, srsly! I have one of these trees, witch are all red and orange, and they are sorta fuzzy and melting avay, and floting up in the air... it is complicated, I have to take the picture, and edit it... it is a great idea! .. I hope!

I went to a mall today with two (wonderfull) girls, I realy love them, they are hillarious to be with :') (even tho I wasen't listening to you Lien :3)

ANYWAY! Lots of stuff, but im gona get geeky freeky, since World of Warcraft had a new patch today! Woho!
Yes. Im a geek, so sue me!

Oh yes! I have two readers now! A shout out to my friend Julie who actully got me into doing this, who would have known?

So I tune out with two songs.

A note on the last one, I had this weird feeling when I listened to it, it fitted so well, I mean, winter is comming in, and oh! All the ideas, as mentioned before...

But anyvay

Dont worry! Be happy!
You not happy? eh, I give you my phone number, you call me and I make you happy kay?


As My brain Melt, I write this on my iPhone. \o/

Blah. Math.

I have nothing against it realy, its teateacher...

Enough of that, howa your day been?

tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Sweden in October, from a iPhone

Oh look, im posting

I never thought it would come to this..

I am blogging o.O
This isn't my thing, but why not? I mean, no-one will read it, exept for my cat. Hi Jasmine!
So yeah, tomorrow is "Suit up day" I don't want to... Im gona say my suit is ... gone I dunno, I dunno...
But it's allright, I had a suit... recently, like last wensday it was looking like this:
Quite nice? Eh?

So yeah. this is my first post!

Oh yeah, before I finish, a good movie to see is "The Book of Eli"!

My lil-sister is watching "Desperet House Wifes" it's boring.
So yes, well. Im off, happy tuesday for you all peeps! Or well, Jasmine, becouse I know you are the only reader, and kudos for that, I mean, you are a cat, and you haw paws, not hands!

Under Construction

Uh, im to lazy for this...