tisdag 25 januari 2011

Like Torches

Like Torches is the name of the You Ate My Dog album... And I am a huge fanboy of thos guys... so yeah, I thought i'd do some commerical for them here....

I have listened to You Ate My Dog for a few years now, I first found out about them 3 years ago, when I herd from Max (Vocals, Keyboard) and Kerk (Guitar, Vocals) that they had a band, and those peeps are awesome, so I thought hey... lets listen... and well, I was lost.... I got the 2CDs they got... I wish I had some t-shirts... and I have a poster.

Those guys are awesome, I wish them the best of luck, I hope they grow HUGE ... And I hope they still rember me so I can steal some groopies :>


Im gona upload some warhammer pics later aswell, if somone cares that is :>

fredag 14 januari 2011


Im thinking about improving the picture system for when I link warhammer pictures.


  • I dont want to have links to the picture
  • some sort of gallery
  • a pop-up scroll would be nice
We will see how I do, Ill do some thinking

torsdag 13 januari 2011


So yes!
More progresssssssssssssss!

My captain got his own cool jump pack now, with wings! .... mmm ... wings....

Some random highlights and what not, needs a wash or two

 Gave this guy a jump pack

Listening to http://thefall.gorillaz.com/ the latest of Gorillaz, it is quite fine!
Doing some homwork... Gona paint some in a bit, might speed on to wow....

Started talking to a nice girl in my school, she's a dj, bad ass, good looking one aswell... Good taste of music... Myeahsss....


See ya round


Promised to post this a while back.
Doing it now.

Why quit smoking?

First of all I’m not forcing you to do this, I’m not telling you to change yourself. This speech is just a piece of my advice, wich I want to share with you all.

Smoking is a habit.
So … What is a habit? It is a mental rut created by mechanical repetition of a task. The tires of a car traveling on a muddy road make a distinct impression. Similarly, the repetition of a task makes an impression on the mind. The more we repeat a task, the deeper becomes the impression. Every habit thus gets firmly fixed in the mind.

A habit can be uprooted by steadily and persistently working against it. Just as performing a task again and again creates a habit, performing an opposite task again and again eliminates it. If your mind forces you towards the old habit, gently but firmly divert it towards the positive habit you want to imbibe instead. It is always easy to go back to old habits and therefore the mind gets effortlessly inclined towards them. The formation of a new habit is therefore very difficult initially. However, with repeated performance, it takes roots and becomes a part of one’s nature.

Thus, if you work against smoking, instead of smoke try doing other things, and making new habits, like working out maybe, things will, after a while, be over, and you will be a non smoker!

Now you might say “But, smoking is good for me, it makes me relaxed, why should I quit?”
Well, you actually don’t become relaxed, what you feel is your brain rewarding you for doing something that it thinks is positive, you’d feel more relaxed if you DIDN’T smoke, truth.

And now you’ll say “What, is smoking realy that bad?”

Yes, it is, we know that smoking cause’s cancer and emphysema - we know smoking kills and those who smoke are playing roulette with our health. However, we also know that most smoking-related diseases take years to develop, so we tell ourselves we have time, that nothing will happen to us. Besides, the bad stuff always happens to other people anyway we’ll be perfectly fine, right?


Wrong. With upwards of 5 million people dying on this planet every year from tobacco use, chances are more than good that you'll end up a tragic addition to those statistics if you don’t quit.

Now, I know that there are these “Lucky few” that don’t get a single problem and survives perfectly fine… and why can’t you be that kind of person?
I mean, you probably are…


Wrong. Those people are such a small part; it’s not even worth mentioning!
So, why would you waste your life on something that only hurts you, besides, passive smoking IS a bad thing, the non-smokers will breathe in the "side stream" smoke from
the burning tip of the cigarette and ALSO the "mainstream" smoke that has been
inhaled and then exhaled by the smoker, it’s been INSIDE of someone by now, why would you want to harm your friends, and hurt them in the same way as you hurt yourself? And I know that some (Felix) will say “Bullshit” after this, and yeah, it dose sound like that, but honestly, we all know it is the truth… Right?


Yeah, it actually is true!

Now, I’m not just going to stand here and argue about why you should quit smoking, Ill give you a few tips aswell

Quitting smoking will be the single hardest thing you will ever do. Ever.
And when you are quitting, you should try not to go to places that makes you want to smoke, you should avoid coffee and alcohol, since you often take a smoke while drinking these beverages.
And speaking of, you shouldn’t do those two too much anyway, so a brake from those habits is just good brake!

And now you probably will throw one of your last arguments at me, that smoking is “social”.


To that I say, if you need a cigarette to be social, don’t be social at all.

Oscar Anjou

måndag 10 januari 2011

Sometimes everything dosent work out like you want It to work, and a relation dosent last, at all, it was ended before it started.
Distance is a disturbing thing.... But hey, we had fun while we went, didn't we darling?

torsdag 6 januari 2011


Progress ladies and gentlemen!
A drop pod and some paint on the Baal

I swaped the Plasma for a rocket launcher....  

Some Marine updates

My veteran is turned into a captain with a jump pack!


And the newest add to the army is....

Now im off, good night! :)